Mayor Declares September 28th Jim Schissler Day

As you may know, former Vice President of Civilitude Jim Schissler passed away August 17th, 2021, and left an outstanding impact on us all. He enjoyed life to the fullest, kept us all laughing, and did some amazing work for the city while at it. So as it turns out, that impact he had on us is also shared city-wide. On behalf of Mayor Steve Adler, September 28th was declared “Jim Schissler Day” at the most recent planning commission meeting. As a member of the Downtown Commission, Environmental Commission, and Planning Commission, as well as President of the Oak Hill Association of Neighborhoods and board member of the Hill Country Conservancy helping conserve thousands of acres of land, he obviously made a lasting impact on our city and its surrounding environment. We couldn’t be more proud and honored to have called him our colleague and friend.
Check out the video of the Planning Commission meeting here, where CEO Fayez Kazi and many others speak on Jim’s character better than we can here in words. Here’s to being more like Jim!