Juneteenth is a Holiday Once Again at Civilitude

At Civilitude, we strongly value Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. It really is a part of who we are to our core. Our team members are from all over the world. At any given moment in our office, you could hear 5 or 6 different languages spoken. For example, on our leadership team we have our founder, Fayez Kazi who is an immigrant from Kuwait. Our President, Nhat Ho, an immigrant from Vietnam. Our Director of Operations, Leslie Botello, an immigrant from Mexico. Green is a part of our company colors, but we are company made up of Brown, Black and White people from different cultures, different backgrounds, different education. We have invested time as a company over the years working to better understand Race and Racism in the United States and in our own community here in Austin. Last year, following the murder of George Floyd we made the decision to make Juneteenth a holiday for the company encouraging out team to take the day to refresh, reflect and become better educated about Racial Injustice. We again take a day off this year to honor those who learned that they were freed from Slavery in Galveston, TX in 1865. We understand that was not that long ago. We understand that although slavery was abolished, other forms of it still exist. We have work to do in this country to empathize more with each other and to embrace Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. We are happy to see that President Biden has now made Juneteenth a Federal Holiday. We also know that another holiday won’t solve the systemic issues that still exist. But this is one step. We look forward to being a part of the solution moving forward.